Safety Care

Our Protective apparel are the most preferred choice for the surgeons and medical professionals to avoid transmissions of pathogens. We design and develop products based on global needs and response, with an assurance of specifications which matches the highest quality standards and ensure comfortable draping.

Isolation Gown

Isolation gown is meant to be used whenever there is an interaction between healthcare worker and a patient. Transmission-Based Precautions (Contact, Droplet, and Airborne Precautions) are always used in addition to Standard Precautions. Gown designed with the latest generation SMS technology. PROTECTCARE gowns are made of medical grade SMS fabric.

  • Made of medical grade SMS fabric
  • Breathable, comfort and virtually lint-free
  • Advanced technology provides best combination of protection and comfort.
  • Impermeable to blood and fluids
  • Neck tie & waist with right tying loops
  • Unsterile, 30�s bundle packing

SIZE S M L XL XXL XXXL ( Learn more )